
There is no doubt that an attendance management system will help save time and money by dumping a lot of manual processes implicated in attendance and leave entry and calculating hours attended.

Attendance Management System is part of educational management software, developed for everyday student attendance in schools, colleges, and institutes.
It expedites to access the attendance information of a specific student in a particular class.

Basically, this attendance related information can be easily classified according to the conveyance of the teacher for a particular class. Using this system teachers can effortlessly evaluate the attendance eligibility criteria of a student.


The first purpose of developing an attendance management system is to automate the traditional way of taking attendance using a heavy register.

The second one for developing this software is to generate the report automatically at the end of the session or in the between of the session. So that the educators don’t have to invest time in creating the attendance reports.

The third one is to free up educators from all the mundane and tedious tasks so that they can focus more on the teaching aspects.


There is Everything for Everyone…


Overcome truancy, intensify punctuality, enhance focus, retention, achievement, and success.


Handling and maintaining attendance is no longer a hassle. Take attendance fast and efficiently.


Management gets immediate insights in form of auto-generated attendance reports at the end of each day.



Automation of attendance –
Control and capture time and attendance for classes, periods. Click the student profile to obtain the attendance information you want and monitor the absences or late students.


Track attendance-

Easily track students’ as well as staffs’ late arrivals, early departures, and absences explained and unexplained.

Mobile App

Mobile attendance management empowers easy access to attendance data and inspects the real-time status on iPhone & Android devices.

Extensive Reports

All kinds of reports like performance, daily reports, absence, and late reports for the entire institute can be created.

How does it work?
  • Register students and staff with RFID or Biometric attendance system
  • At every class, the teacher has to mark attendance using the web and mobile devices
  • Analyze attendance data
  • Identify absent & tardy students
  • Share attendance records with parents
  • Generate daily/weekly/monthly attendance reports for students or staff to set attendance goals
  • Send automatic notifications and alerts to parents
  • Engage students and parents
  • Try out disciplinary interventions to improve attendance
  • Set up a reward system to promote positive attendance
  • Assess what makes for good attendance
Why RexoCampus?

RexoCampus Attendance Management System gives a compelling cloud-based solution for schools and higher education institutions to minimize staff workload and enhance efficiencies with an automated time and attendance system.

It works to assure that the attendance is maintained by performing a cycle of activities that parses student absences, looks for solutions to correct, sets targets for improvement, seeks working interventions, and finally evaluates solutions.